SWOT Analysis: how this tool can change your company

SWOT analysis is a potent tool for companies that know how to use it. Focused on discovering your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it can work well to gain awareness. With this content, we will highlight the 5 most significant benefits of the SWOT analysis: 1st: Know your challenges Understanding the gaps of your […]

Build a kick-ass LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is currently the most effective social network for everyone who wants to network and find work or do business development. Therefore, having a rock-star profile is essential, to say the least. Check out our infographic on how to improve your LinkedIn profile:

4 main conflicts at work and how to deal with them

Conflicts at work become more common in the home office and the wide range of communication media we have today. However, for every conflict, there is a cause and a solution – which are not always so easy to notice, but they are there. Yet, communication must be very well worked out in the work […]

3 doubts every leader has when starting out

Though becoming a leader may be daunting, every experienced leader was once a beginner. The doubts that arise and remain unaddressed at the beginning of your leadership journey can sidetrack your leadership career. The good news is: that we are here to help you with all these doubts and more! What is my leadership style? […]

How to improve your LinkedIn timeline

With more than 850 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is the leading social network for networking, and this is why its timeline is important to users. So filtering what you see on your timeline is important to get the most out of the network. Clubnet developed an infographic for you. Learn more:

When it’s time to set new goals for your business

Having goals is what will help guide any business. Without them, processes tend to get messier and lack a specific endpoint (which takes a short time to happen and is worrisome). Knowing when to change those goals is essential. With obsolete goals, the business does not move forward and ends up failing in many cases, […]

Find a loan for your small business: 5 tips that can change your game


Many minorities start their businesses with a lot of hopes and dreams but are faced with a problematic growth scenario. In such a competitive and unequal market, you may need extra help for growth – like a loan. However, these loans are not that easy to obtain and they require time, research, and preparation. Even […]

ESG as a growth strategy, is it a fad?

Measuring ESG impact isn’t easy (and Harvard Business Review agrees with us). But it’s never too late to learn more about ESG and how to start pursuing a triple bottom line for your company:

What you keep when becoming an impact entrepreneur

impact entrepreneur

You already know that when you become an impact entrepreneur, many things change in your business and also in your life. The impact entrepreneur is focused on positively affecting the lives of people, their community, and ultimately the environment.  This is why they differ from an ordinary entrepreneur, who tends to focus only on profits […]

Factors to consider when looking for a business partner

Finding a good business partner is not always easy – we often choose people who are close to us in our personal lives. However, what makes people good friends is not what makes them good business partners. Many business owners find it difficult to find business partners who really get things flowing. If this is […]